Local services

We provide experienced guides in all languages. They will guide sight-seeing tours excursions all over Hungary.
They will keep nice memories for ever about the famous Hungarian cuisine in restaurants proposed by our company.
Your clients will enjoy the Hungarian hospitality in hotels recommended by us, in the capital as well as in the country.

General information on Hungary

Official name: Republic of Hungary
Area: 93,030 km2
Population: 10,135,000 (January 1st 1998)
Population density: 109.4 inhabitants per km2; 63 % of the population live in towns
Capital city: Budapest, area: 525 km2 (population: 2,163,000)
Time: Central European time (GMT+1)
Daylight savings time: March 30th to October 26th Central European time + 1 hour (GMT+2)
Official language: Hungarian
State form: republic
Public administration: 19 counties, 20 towns with county status

Geographical Location

Hungary lies in Central Europe, in the Carpathian Basin.
Greatest distance from North to South: 268 km; greatest distance from
East to West: 526 km.


The climate is temperate continental.
Coldest month: January (-1 C°);
Warmest month: August (21.3 C°);
Annual hours of sunshine: 1785 (in the year 1996)

Tourism Regions

Region Cities
The Great Plain Szeged, Debrecen, Gyula.

Lake Balaton

Badacsony, Keszthely, Héviz.

Budapest and its region

Budapest, Esztergom, Gödöllô, Szentendre, Visegrád.
Northern Hungary Aggtelek, Hollókô, Eger, Lillafüred, Tokaj.
Western Hungary Kôszeg, Fertôd, Sopron.
Southern Transdanube Pécs, Zirc.